clipper==bad, but how do you explain this to average joe 6-pack?

Nate Sammons nates at
Wed Mar 2 17:45:50 PST 1994

I have to agree with Time, etc that many of my friends say the equivilant
of "what a stupid idea... it'll never pass" when I explain what the gov
is trying to do to us.  Some of my friends, however, think I am
totally paranoid (not completely false) and that I should just
chill out a bit.

The problem is that many people say that clipper is so stupid it'll
never pass, so they assume that their congress-critter will do the
"right" thing and dump clipper.  This is where most people fail.
Our congress-critters are most likely *not* going to do the right 
thing, since their ears are being pulled by the NSA and the FBI,
etc... who think that unless all of us are watched, we'll hurt ourselves
or hurt eachother like a bunch of infants.


| Nate Sammons  <nates at>  PGP Key and fingerprint via finger.
| Clipper == Big Brother Inside. Question Authority. Encrypt everything.

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