
nobody at soda.berkeley.edu nobody at soda.berkeley.edu
Tue Mar 1 22:28:58 PST 1994

>What has not been discussed here very much and what I felt going into
>the conversations with these people is that they *can't* tell us what
>they are afraid of.  It is not a matter of won't.  The conversations
>bore this out.   We have been concentrating on in our discussion here
>on how much they fear the loss of a power they have gotten used to and
>abused to where we find it offensive.  That is not nearly so much
>what they fear.  It is the *unknown*.  It is pretty hard to make public
>statements like that.
Repeat after me:

Change is our friend.
We must embrace change.
Change is good.
We must lose our fear of change.

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