Regional Lists

Robert A. Hayden hayden at
Mon Jun 27 17:52:49 PDT 1994

A month or so back, there was a brief discussion talking about the 
production of a cypherpunks  Out of that discussion I talked 
about the fact that I (would) have a workstation available to provide a 
platform for various mailing lists if they were needed.

On of the suggestions that was made by Eric was that it might be a 'good 
thing'{tm} to creat some regional cypherpunk lists to facilitate the 
planning of physical meetings, to make announcements about speakers, or 

In any case, I have the computer up and running, and am now in a position 
to create whatever cypherpunk mailing lists might be wanted or needed.  
So, does anyone have anything they'd want a mailing list for?

____        Robert A. Hayden       <=> hayden at
\  /__          -=-=-=-=-          <=>          -=-=-=-=-
 \/  /  Finger for Geek Code Info  <=> I do not necessarily speak for the
   \/   Finger for PGP Public Key  <=> City of Mankato or Blue Earth County
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1)  GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
		       n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)

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