Jason C Miller jmdk+ at
Sat Jun 18 13:42:15 PDT 1994

This is kind of offtopic, but I wanted to correct something.

At least from what I know, if you place a 911 call from a cellular, it
doesn't pass any information on the phone number (or car) at all.  This
was originally posted on from the telcom groups.  I later tested it in
some respect.  E911 uses ANI to get your number, so I did a check on ANI
from a cellular.  The number ANI gets is a call-out-only line from the
cellular MTSO.

So how'd they find him? Your friend comes along with you on your run
from the cops.  You take his bronco (dumb move #1), you use HIS cellular
phone not a payphone (dumb move #2), you place long calls so the FCC can
track you in one of those nifty vans you only see in LA and NYC (dumb
move #3), and you call people who the government would expect you to
call (dumb move #4).  Well, with a simple addition they could have the
phone company add ANI to all his family/friends. Then they would know
its a cellular, and knowing that, they kinda guessed who owned it.  I
don't give them that much credit though, probably a tip from a
friend/family told the LAPD/FBI/CIA/NSA/FCC/BLAH that he was calling
from his friends Bronco. Then its a matter of waiting for another
cellular call. At that point, you'd know the tower (about a one mile
radius) and then you'd could easy send cops or a trianglulation van to
hunt him down with a 99% sucess rate.

Why anyone would attempt to run like this baffles me.  Unless he was
just stalling for time, he did things I think my little sister even
knows NOT to do in that situation.

Once again, sorry for the blurb, lets get back to cryptography.


In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we
understand, we will understand only what we are taught.
|\\|        Jason Miller             |//| jmdk at      CALL (412)/325-2036
|//| Mathematics/Information Systems |\\| jcm at   PAGE (800)/901-0840
|\\|   Carnegie Mellon University    |//| dyn at    FAX  (412)/268-5758

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