Remailer REORDER not DELAY

Rick Busdiecker rfb at
Sun Jun 12 10:29:27 PDT 1994

I think that there's a reasonable compromise in here somewhere.  It
might even address some other concerns that people could have about
the costs of running remailers, e. g. storing a zillion messages for
24 hours.

How about something like this:
 - The remailer is configured by its maintener with a maximum
   desireable time delay and a maximum desireable message queue size.
   People who do not like the values selected are free to shop
   elsewhere :-)
 - When a message arrives, it is assigned a latest output time based
   on the time that it is received, the remailers maximum desireable
   time delay and a random factor.
 - When the remailer's message queue size is greater its maximum
   desireable size, the message due to be sent next is sent regardless
   of its latest output time.
 - When a message's latest output time arrives, it is sent regardless
   of the remailers message queue size.

You might even want to have some other remailer configuration
parameters, like:
 - a maximum number of messages sent out during some arbitrary time
   interval (message/minute, e. g.)
 - a minimum interval between messages being sent.
These two examples might force the queue size to be considerably
larger than its maximum desired size during usage peaks.

None of this addresses a situation where a single message is received
during an arbitrarily long time period, although none of the other
proposals addresses that situation.  Although I can imagine how Mallet
might abuse this if he coudl control the remailer's net connection,
personally, I don't think that it's a problem that merits much
consideration.  In the absense of a suitably powerful Mallet or other
serious networking problems, it's likely that such a situation is just
an indication that the remailer isn't very popular.

BTW, what possible benefit is there to knowing that a particular
message was sent by a particular remailer?  As a recipient, should I
`trust' a remailer more than I trust, say, a digitial signature from
the sender?  Could someone describe a situation where this would
provide useful information?  In other words, why *not* simply encode
with the recepient's public key and restrict the usage of the
remailer's private to decoding incoming messages?


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