New Yorker First Flame Author on TotN

Sidney Markowitz sidney at
Fri Jun 10 13:44:16 PDT 1994

He was interviewed by Terry Gross on "Fresh Air", also a nationally
syndicated public radio show, though not with call in, earlier this week, I
think Wednesday. He came across as a very naive, "sensitive" guy, who was
enamored over the possibility of an electronic academic utopian community
and was rudely shocked when he first discovered the phenomenum of flaming
there in his mailbox. The interview was focused on his feelings during his
introduction to cyberspace and to flaming, what the world of e-mail and
bulletin boards is like for technological newbies, and did not at all get
into issues of pornography, anonymity, encryption, etc. He did not seem as
if he would be competent to talk about those issues and he did not try to.

 -- sidney markowitz <sidney at>
    SK8board Punk Rocket Scientist      [not speaking for Apple!]
    Advanced Technology Group           voice: (408) 862-4319
    Apple Computer, Inc., M/S 301-3D    fax: (408) 974-8414
    1 Infinite Loop                     AppleLink: SIDNEY
    Cupertino, CA 95014                 Internet: sidney at

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