I will be in Detroit/Cleveland/Akron area this weekend

Scott Collins collins at newton.apple.com
Thu Jun 9 14:44:31 PDT 1994

...and cities between.  I could also stop in Ann Arbor.  Any cypherpunks in
these towns who want to sign keys, etc, email asap; I might not be able to
retrieve it after I depart.

Be seeing you,

Scott Collins   | "That's not fair!"                         -- Sarah
                | "You say that so often.  I wonder what your basis
   408.862.0540 |  for comparison is."                 -- Goblin King
BUSINESS.    fax:974.6094    R254(IL5-2N)    collins at newton.apple.com
Apple Computer, Inc.  5 Infinite Loop, MS 305-2D  Cupertino, CA 95014
PERSONAL.    408.257.1746       1024:669687       catalyst at netcom.com

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