Anonymous Remailers

Matthew Ghio ghio at
Mon Jun 6 00:32:02 PDT 1994

Anonymous says:
> There are a number of good text files out on anonymous mail
> forwarding servers, but nothing that really "ties it all
> together", so to speak.  If you know of such a thing, please post
> it.  Anyway, let me ask a few specific questions:
Well, there's a lot of stuff on the gopher site at
Some of it was a bit out of date last time I checked tho.
> I read that fingering ghio at will produce a current
> status of all "Cypherpunk" remailers.  I did so and it was quite
> informative.  However, "remailer at" was omitted
> from the list.  Is there a reason for that?
Yeah, it didn't answer the pings my software sent out because it
doesn't support Request-Remailing-To.  I changed it to Anon-Send-To,
and it's in the list now.
> Do any of the other CP remailers (other than
> offer a post-to-Usenet gateway?  If so, do they use the same
> syntax?
Yes and no.  I think can post to usenet with
> Is there a way to disable the encrypted reply address at the
> Berkeley remailer?
It won't include the reply block if you send mail to remailer at soda
from another remailer.  (I haven't tried this using all the
remailers tho, so I don't know if it will recognize them all as
being non-replyable addresses.)  Otherwise, you can chain from soda
to my remailer and use the Cutmarks: feature to snip it.
> I know that a few of the CP remailers have a certain adddress,
> like "help@<address>" which will provide an info sheet by return
> mail.  Do any of the others support that?  If so, would "help" be
> used, or something else?
Well, there's mg5n+remailers at ...

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