New Encryption Scheme

Terry Ott Steve.Ott at
Sun Jun 5 22:29:44 PDT 1994

	I was told to post here by the kind people on  I
didn't know where to start, and they led me on the path to truth.  :):):)

	Alllll-right, to the heart of the matter: I've designed a new
encryption scheme for passwords (or any short string), not for files, as
of yet.  It might have some glaring holes that you who are knowledgeable
could see right through.  Since you DO have a pretty good clue what's up,
I'd love to see what you all think.  I'm willing to give out source code,
but I'd love to see what you can do without it.  =]  
	Thanks in advance, 

|    "Joke 'em if they    |       U  U      U  U |         Terry Ott        |
|   can't take a screw!"  |       U  U      U  U |  Steve.Ott at |
|			  |       UUUU  Of  UUUU |                          |
|     --Robin Williams    | University      Utah |   Optimystique Software  |

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