Vinod Valloppillil t-vinodv at microsoft.com
Thu Jun 2 17:43:39 PDT 1994

>	One question: What's MJ12? British Intelligence was still MI5,
>Michael Brandt Handler					 <grendel at netaxs.com>
>Philadelphia, PA, USA	       PGP v2.6 public key via server / finger / mail
>"I am iron, I am steel, nobody can touch me when I'm on the wheel"  --  Curve

	MJ12 is (supposedly) the ultra-secret high-level national security 
group for the free world in charge of advanced military projects and 
most importantly -- UFO phenomena.  In UFO conspiracy circles this 
group has supposedly sold the American public to alien abductors in 
exchange for technology, science, etc.  No list of good conspirators is 
complete without it !  :)

These opinions are mine, not Microsoft's.

Vinod Valloppillil

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