No SKE in Daytona and other goodies

Blanc Weber blancw at
Fri Jul 29 12:48:39 PDT 1994

From: Aron Freed

What is the difference if a big company subjects its employees to a
key-escrow system or if the government does it with the people. If you
think about it, the government could coerce the company into reading
through information being passed back and forth....

With a private company, you can negotiate with the owners, or leave.
With the government, you have no choice.
If the governors decide to coerce a company into complicity with 
surveillance over internal correspondence, it can do this anyway by 
other means  - that is, it can get access over any material it deems 
necessary for "legitimate law enforcement needs", even hard-copy files.

The desire for absolute control isn't limited to governments, and it 
doesn't originate in the institution, but in the psychology of the beholder.


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