FW: No SKE in Daytona and other goodies

Blanc Weber blancw at microsoft.com
Fri Jul 29 11:07:38 PDT 1994

From: Timothy C. May

"If Microsoft has never met with NIST/NSA or Denning or TIS on this matter,
and was only pursuing SKE research on its own initiative, without any
incentives or threats from the government, then I will withdraw my
speculations and cheer Microsoft on."

And then you can say:	Blanc was right all along;
			I really had nothing to worry about.
			Signed:  Tim C May

"We need to see a public debate on software key escrow, regardless of
Microsoft's involvement one way or another. And we shouldn't wait until the
press conference is held to announce the program!"

I would like to see more explanations on key escrow, myself.   To me, 
the issue is control:  who gets it, who excercises it, who will try to 
prevent an individual from their right to exert it.

How does the mere existence of a system of key escrow necessitate that 
no one will ever again have the means to secure their privacy?   I do 
understand the difference in the situation of an individual in a 
corporate environment using a given software environment, vs the 
individual at home with their own pc trying to access the internet & 
send email.

But you all write code:  you have ideas on how to deal with this, right?

Do you think that having created a means to an end, that it will be 
impossible to retain ownership and control of it?  In the present 
political atmosphere, there are many ownership issues being threated.  
The government's position is to take away the means to an end, thereby 
preventing the whole problem of having to think about who has the right 
to use it or not.

Do you think that preventing companies from implementing their own key 
escrow schemes, this will eliminate the problem of having to fight with 
the government over the keys?


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