NYET and international data services

Eric Hughes hughes at ah.com
Fri Jul 29 10:47:07 PDT 1994

Even in the NYET proposal were implemented, it wouldn't accomplish
it's own objectives.  The existence of international data services,
not under the purview of the cabal of governments administering a
hypothetical mandatory rating system, would provide an end run around
any attempt at censorship.  The only alternative would be to shut down
international data links.

Whatever material someone might find objectionable will still exist,
because the proposal doesn't call for its suppression, merely its
labelling.  That objectionable material will go outside the bounds of
the system, and right back in.  In order to be effective, the system
would have to prevent telnetting to arbitrary international sites.

Do you really suppose China would participate in a Western-values (of
any sort) madatory rating system?  Please.  And I, for one, would be
happy to run data services out of China, and the Chinese would be
happy for the foreign exchange.

I have, in fact, considered putting up just such a service in
Tiajuana, right across the border from San Diego.  I might even be
able to use radio or laser links to cross the border, and not even
deal with international telecom arrangements.  Someone wants a non-US
web page?  I could sell them one.  They don't tell me their name, and
I can't tell anyone else.  If someone is offended, they get to sue in
Mexican court.

Internationalization solves most problems of local restriction, de
facto.  You won't be able to do mandatory ratings of any kind because
every jurisdiction, even the USA, is a local jurisdiction.


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