Just say NYET to kneejerking

Jim Dixon jdd at aiki.demon.co.uk
Fri Jul 29 08:09:44 PDT 1994

In message <9407291348.AA04027 at snark.imsi.com> perry at imsi.com writes:
> Graham Toal says:
> > 	I must admit that I'm disappointed.  I figured that I would
> >       take some hits, but for people to only scan a post before reaching
> >       for the lighter...
> > 
> > Don't be such a condescending shit.  We read your post clearly enough,
> > thank you very much. Typical control-freak crap.  If you want your
> > little xtian kids to be namby-pamby'd on the net,
> I believe Graham is being rather rude.
Agreed.  You may love sailing and decide to live near a busy harbor.
But if you have children, you will probably want low fences between them
and the water.	When they get older and have better judgement and motor
control, they will also be able to step over the low fence.  This is
the way that most human beings handle their children, with restrictions
that disappear gradually as the children grow up.

The Internet is a wild and exciting place.  You want your children to
get to know it.  But you would also like a way to build little fences
between them and some things that they are just too young to deal with.
How do you do it?
|  Jim Dixon<jdd at aiki.demon.co.uk>  |	    Compuserve: 100114,1027	   |
|AIKI Parallel Systems Ltd + parallel processing hardware & software design|
|	     voice +44 272 291 316  | fax +44 272 272 015		   |

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