My anonymous remailer

Russell Nelson nelson at
Mon Jul 25 20:45:10 PDT 1994

   Date: Mon, 25 Jul 1994 17:45:07 +0100
   From: Graham Toal <gtoal at>

   I've been pondering this for some time.  I think it's time to try a
   new experiment in anonymous remailing.  I think that all remailers
   should close down, then open up with new addresses and a single shared
   new policy... the new policy being that each individual remailer will
   do his best to 'out' all posters - complete disclosure, log files
   available, posts available, summaries show up via finger etc etc.

Cool idea.  Looks to me like Nate's remailer does most of this already.

-russ <nelson at>
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