"Key Escrow" --- the very idea

Berzerk berzerk at xmission.xmission.com
Sun Jul 24 11:03:30 PDT 1994

On Sun, 24 Jul 1994 wcs at anchor.ho.att.com wrote:
> > 2.	multiple escrow agencies, at least one of which is the NSA HQ
> > 	(for its superior physical security)
> They're the *last* people I want involved with routine communications
> between ordinary people.  They're an agency that should probably be
> abolished, but at most they should stick to providing secure communications
> for the military; I don't want military police agencies or even Federal
> civilian police agencies getting involved in civil commerce, 
Remember, any 1 key gets nuked, you are safe.  I personaly would use the 
NSA as one of them if I was running a buisness where key escrow made 
sense, for exactly the reasons they gave, and would trust it even more if 
they had a mandate to distroy them on mass seazure.  This is not a mater 
of puting absolute trust in one agancy, but trusting one agency to act 
*in* *one* *case* as a great protector, namely, if we are invaded, they 
would no doubt distroy their database, and your privacy would be protected.

Long shot, but so is 2^128.


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