e$: a long enough lever...

Robert Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Fri Jul 22 12:55:30 PDT 1994

>Not true.  Teleflora is a company that sells automatic processing software
> and also will be a front-end to credit card companies.  You pay 'em, you
> get your merchant ID and go, and start getting checks every so often.

This is kind of like the "internet drive-up window" ATM gateway idea my
cronies and I were throwing around.  The funds transfer happens between the
vendor and buyer's banks through an ATM/internet gate, probably owned by a
bank. The WWW/secure mosaic "wallets" and "cash registers" would be given

>I see a lot of great ideas for e$ out there, but I think they all suffer
> from a central fault: there's no easy transition from the way people do
> business in the real world to an e$ model.  IMO, you've got to base a system
> in the way people are used to working and make a gentle transition, or
> it's simply going to fail purely on the learning curve.

I keep insisting that an ATM gate offer the option of ecash in the
transaction, with us as the underwriter of the cash, even though my more
"practical" associates offered your rationale for not doing it...

They seem to be winning the argument at the moment. ;-).

Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga  (rah at shipwright.com) "There is no difference between someone
Shipwright Development Corporation     who eats too little and sees Heaven and
44 Farquhar Street                       someone who drinks too much and sees
Boston, MA 02331 USA                       snakes." -- Bertrand Russell
(617) 323-7923

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