Kragen == LD?

Berzerk berzerk at
Wed Jul 20 16:07:51 PDT 1994


On Tue, 19 Jul 1994, Kragen J. Sittler wrote:
> So?  Are you suggesting that being 200 miles away rather than 1000
> miles away makes it easier to get a fake account?
Ya, like post office and long distan ce charge more for 1000 miles--NOT!

> Well, you see, I associate with people who think in the ways she is
> accustomed to thinking, and I can see the beauty in them.  I suspect
> that most of the cypherpunks don't.
I do.

> LD thinks I'm Eric Hughes.  If you like, I could email you a bunch of
> messages I exchanged with him one midnight.
> Gee.  I've never been accused of being Larry Detweiler before. :D
I have, join the club.

I am orginizing the psudo-tenticles off detweiler club for people who 
have been labeled tenticles of detweiler by paradoids on this list.


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