Detweiler: other lives

Martin Spellman mspellman at
Tue Jul 19 10:41:46 PDT 1994

To:Cypherpunks at

Robert Hettinga  (rah at asked:
> On the other hand, how old is this guy? 12? I mean what do we really
> knowabout him? Do these archives have anything on him besides his spam
> and theresultant fusilades?  Has anyone actually met him? Not that I'd
> like to, Iguess...
> I'm curious about this guy for no legitmate reason. He just seems
> bright,and he must have done some crypto once. He is listed as a
> contributor on mycopy MacPGP, for instance, and before he started
> spamming it, his posts toimp-interest could make sense on occasion. 

It may (or may not) be of interest but Larry Detweiler is keeper of the 
Internet Writer Resource Guide - the FAQ on writing groups.
There was also a minor character called Lord Detweiler in a Jack Vance 
story.alt.netloons.pita anyone?

Martin Spellman

<mspellman at>

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