your mail

Eli Brandt ebrandt at
Sun Jul 17 13:29:15 PDT 1994

Lawrence Detweiler, posting anonymously, said:
>i'm glad ghio caught that message in his mailbox through careful screening
>so that it wouldn't go out to the newsgroups. I always thought the
>remailers were automated, but I guess in most case the operators are 
>screening all the stuff. this is good, because we don't need any more
>Detweiller junk out there (amazing how peaceful things are without him!!!)
>too bad if the message was forged, because it would be LOTS of fun to
>EXPOSE THE BASTARD!!! (insert evil smirk here)

I've been off the list for a bit, so I can only guess this relates
to a discussion of the latest CRAM spam.  Detweiler watchers, train
your sights on "nym at (Sue D. Nym)", who fairly recently
showed up on Usenet sporting all the usual stigmata.

My take on the Singularity is that it will commence when the
Detweiler cycle devolves to zero length, so that he simultaneously
is obtaining and being booted from accounts on all service providers.
Pretty incomprehensible, eh?

   Eli   ebrandt at

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