National ID cards are just the driver's licenses...

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Sat Jul 16 04:57:29 PDT 1994

At 09:59 PM 7/15/94 -0700, sameer wrote:

>	Keep in mind though.. Tim says this often and I agree with
>him. The splinter lists have *not* had much traffic. I created the
>remailer-operators list, and there hasn't been much traffic. I wasn't
>surprised, but I thought I may as well start it. (Whenever I do any
>remailer hacking and/or changes I *will* [I think I have, as well]
>post to the remailer-operators list.. I still encourage others to do
>the same.)

A Hardcore Privacy list could well get more "crossover" action than a list
for a Cypherpunks-specific topic.


"Note that the future capability to conduct a wide range of financial
transactions electronically will allow anyone on earth to wake up in the
morning and say 'I guess I'll become a bank today.'  A bank is just a
network node running a particular flavor of server software."

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