National ID Card Info Request...

Duncan Frissell frissell at
Fri Jul 15 10:01:57 PDT 1994

At 09:47 AM 7/15/94 -0500, Jim choate wrote:

>I would appreciate some kind sould e-mailing me the bill name which has
>this in it. 
>Take care.

There is no bill as far as I know.  At least not one very far along in the
legislative process.  Of course, the Health Security Act does include
mandatory Worker's ID cards (your employer needs one to sign you up with
your Health Alliance).  


"The Health Security Act - the most expensive government program in the
history of mankind:

$1,000,000,000,000/year in total government spending
$600,000,000,000/year in *new* government spending (& taxes)"

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