Duncan Frissell frissell at
Thu Jul 14 06:57:49 PDT 1994

>Is it time to move out of here? Does anyone have any suggestions of
>countries where things are better, not likely to get much worse as the U.S.
>decides to spread its brand of "democracy" even more universally, and which
>have not closed their doors to refugees from America?
> -- sidney markowitz <sidney at>
>    [In a pretty down mood at the moment]

Heinlein said it was time to move when some place instituted mandatory IDs.
This month's Money mag has an article on the increase in expatriation by
native-born US citizens as well as increasing interest in same.

Some places are more bureaucratic than here and some are less.  The best
place to move to in "nowhere".  That is, don't spend too much time in any
one country.  Local rules bite less on those who are just passing through.

Slick Willy will need congressional action on a mandatory ID although he may
be able to deploy a "US Card" for "Federal Benefits" administratively.  The
risk is that Congress is currently debating mandatory ID legislation without
mentioning it.  The Health Security Act (and some of the current variations)
includes a mandatory "Worker's ID" card that you will need to work for
someone else.  Slick Willy even proudly held it up on TV.  So we may get
mandatory ID without any Congressional debate.

The largest group of US citizens who will not be covered by any proposed
health plan: non-resident US citizens.  A word to the wise.


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