PGP bastardization (fwd)

Russell Nelson nelson at
Wed Jul 13 20:01:06 PDT 1994

   Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 02:58:44 +0100
   From: gtoal at (Graham Toal)

   While I sympathise 100% with prz's annoyance at this hack, I should
   remind him that he *did* put pgp out under the GPL and anyone is free
   to modify it in any way they chose as long as they too release it
   under the GPL.

   He has no legal comeback (ha, there's an interesting irony about the
   author of the world's leading piece of guerilla software...) and the
   most he can do is apply peer pressure to get the guy to back down.

The GPL says nothing about what you can call a program.  Phil can
certainly require someone to call it something other than PGP.  The GPL
also requires, in section 2a, that changes be prominently marked.

-russ <nelson at>
Crynwr Software   | Crynwr Software sells packet driver support | ask4 PGP key
11 Grant St.      | +1 315 268 1925 (9201 FAX)  | What is thee doing about it?
Potsdam, NY 13676 | LPF member - ask me about the harm software patents do.

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