A Plea for Meaningful Message Titles

Robert A. Hayden hayden at vorlon.mankato.msus.edu
Wed Jul 13 14:16:27 PDT 1994

Tim, you make a lot of good points, but I just want to add one comment.

Tim sez:

> 1. Could we people make an effort to pick reasonably meaningful thread
> titles? A lot of "Re: your mail" and "(None)" titles are cluttering up
> the list.

Often these are caused by responding to a message with no subject.  Many 
people tend not to notice the lack of subject and then produce a 'RE: 
your mail".  Just a pointer to how these originate.  Everything else you 
said is echoing my own sentiments. :-)

____        Robert A. Hayden       <=> hayden at vorlon.mankato.msus.edu
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