The Detweiler Files

rishab at rishab at
Tue Jul 12 16:55:50 PDT 1994

jamiel at (Jamie Lawrence):
> I have a writing assignment coming up (nothing to do
> with much that is talked about on this list), and some
> example posts by Detweiler could be really handy as
> references. I have one from a long time ago, but could
> use some others- anybody save any for posterity? If so,
> could you forward me a couple of juicy ones?

I have about 580k of 'Detweiler files'. These are sorted by mail from his
presumed identities, mail to them and relevant mail about him. Separately
stored are some of his gems, including his roman torture piece and S Boxx's

You can't ftp _in_ to my SLIP node, but I can ftp it to some place convenient.
Compressed, it should be about 200k (ZIP).

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh             "Clean the air! clean the sky! wash the wind!
rishab at                   take stone from stone and wash them..."
Voice/Fax/Data +91 11 6853410  
Voicemail +91 11 3760335                 H 34C Saket, New Delhi 110017, INDIA  

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