Clipper vs. PGP (fwd)

Carl Ellison cme at
Mon Jul 11 11:09:20 PDT 1994

   Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 13:37:42 -0400 (EDT)
   From: Aron Freed <s009amf at>

   And going the complete opposite direction (a full 180). If the public was 
   able to obtain PGP as easily as we are and they would use it for 
   everything, would that lead to the overthrowing of the government and 
   therefore cause anarchy, due to the fact the governmnet would be helpless 
   in knowing what everyone is doing contrary to the CIA, FBI, etc. being 
   able to read everything we write and say through their current illegal 

   I'm just looking to get a complete picture. At this moment I would go 
   with PGP, but I still see a lot of problems with being on either side. 
   They seem so extreme...

You've painted an extreme picture -- so of course it looks extreme.

If the world swallows Clipper, it'll still be possible to keep secrets from
the FBI....just harder.

You're forgetting the danger from organized crime, however.  A key database
becomes an inviting target for org crime and I'd expect it to be
compromised immediately.

There's a special danger if even just the banks swallow Clipper/Capstone.
Do you want your bank accounts protected by keys that organized crime can


If the world goes with PGP, the FBI can still get info the way it does
today -- with informers.  It's not a world of all bad guys with only the
FBI a good guy.  When I communicate with you, I don't know what you do
with this message.  Chances are you're a good guy (since almost everyone
is) and if I'm suggesting something criminal, you're likely to send this
message to your local police or FBI (assuming they haven't totally alienated
you by trying to pry your crypto keys out of your cold dead fingers :-).

 - Carl

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