Jim Choate says we have nothing better to do!

Jeff Gostin jgostin at eternal.pha.pa.us
Sun Jul 10 14:50:48 PDT 1994

Jim choate <ravage at bga.com> writes:

> But, because you folks apparently have nothing  better to do  we have 
> managed to generate a set of list traffic that vastly exceeds the original
> forwards. 
     You claim to not be incidiary, but this is definately just that. I've
pretty much stayed out of this, but once it becomes personal ("...you
folks..."), I get involved. I _do_ have better things to do than listen to
you insult people you don't even know. One of the better things I have to
do is to listen to well-informed, INFORMATIONAL posts, not the rantings of
someone who claims to know exactly what I do with my time.

> Reminds me of the years I worked in a science museum and people were
> always coming around with new projects for me to  do. My general
> responce became to point them to the shop and tell them to have at. I
> have little respect for people who have nothing better to do than tell
> others how to spend their time.  If the suggestion is that great, carry
> it out yourself.
     Your attitude stinks. Have you ever heard of a term called
BRAINSTORMING? In case you haven't, or have forgotten the meaning,
Webster's New World Dictionary cites the following:

brain.storm.ing n.  the unrestrained offering of ideas or suggestions by
                    all members of a conference to seek solutions to

     I don't know about you, but this sounds EXACTLY like what's going on
here: The unrestrained offering of ideas or suggestions by all [READERS] of

     In reference to your job at the science museum, evidently, you were
the person who was the "doer." The people who wanted something done went
to the person who was responsible for doing -- you. I'm glad you no longer
have to job. It seems that your disposition, and attitude, are wrong for
the job.

> I didn't condem the list or anyone else for that matter. 
     You didn't? Hmmm.... who said "But, because you folks apparently have
nothing better to do we have managed to generate a set of list traffic
that vastly exceeds the original forwards" just a few paragraphs ago? I'll
give you a hint, it wasn't me....

>> People who lash out at the list, calling the list a place for people
>> who never do anything, are revealing their own failures of
>> imagination.
> I *NEVER* said that or anything like it. Geesh, speaking of imagination.
     True. You said it was a place for "[People who] apparently have
nothing better to do..." Your words, not mine.

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