National Highways to National Information Infrastructure

Michael Wilson 0005514706 at
Sat Jul 9 00:49:19 PDT 1994


Mr. May brought up the interesting correlation between the two project;
many of you may not be old enough to note that the first project mentioned,
that of the national highway system in the United States, was sponsored
by your current Vice President Gore's father, the OTHER Senator Gore.  It
was what is politely termed 'pork' then, just as NII is pork now.  Just how
much money do you think companies are making off the new export liberalization
and stand to make from the NII?  Who profits, or as came from the Watergate
era, follow the money.  No wonder the politically active players seem to
be rolling over on some issues; they are being given an annuity for the next
twenty years.

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