(fwd) Re: BSD random() - any good (source included)

Michael Handler grendel at netaxs.com
Thu Jul 7 17:15:35 PDT 1994

On Sat, 8 Jul 1994 an65 at vox.hacktic.nl wrote:

> > At  3:20 PM 07/07/94 -0500, Jim choate wrote 69K of forwards
> > (so far) that I would much rather look at in sci.math or
> > sci.stat.math than in my mailbox, unrequested. Didn't we have
> > a little forwarding talk recently enough for your avarage
> > televangelist viewer to remember it?
> > Kindly cut it out.
> I guess cypherpunks would rather not write or even read code, but
> simply gossip about usenet kooks and pedophiles.

	[1] Simply because you don't read new software announcements 
every day doesn't mean people aren't writing code. I am, for one, but 
people have other jobs and responsities to take care of.

	[2] Less than a week after a small flame war about forwarding, 
and a suggestion that it be restricted to posting pointers to relevant 
info, Jim forwards over 65K of relevant, though specialized information 
that no-one had requested. Simply saying "There's some real informative 
posts about RNGs in sci.math, thread name "XXX"" have been helpful, 
faster, saved bandwidth and people's mailboxes, and not started up this 
flame war.

Michael Brandt Handler                                <grendel at netaxs.com> 
Philadelphia, PA                                    <mh7p+ at andrew.cmu.edu>
Currently at CMU, Pittsburgh, PA            PGP v2.6 public key on request
Boycott Canter & Siegel                <<NSA>> 1984: We're Behind Schedule

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