Windows for Workgroups 3.11

Mike Markley mmarkley at
Wed Jul 6 09:55:32 PDT 1994

| From: Derek Atkins  <warlord at MIT.EDU>
| To: Andrzej Bursztynski  <psee at>
| Cc:  <cypherpunks at>
| Subject: Re: Windows for Workgroups 3.11
| Date: Wednesday, July 06, 1994 7:19AM
| > Just wonder if anyone had a closer look at the "Advanced security" option
| > built in the Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11. You can use a soft
| > of a public/private key when sending a mail via fax (Class 1) driver
| > Micrsoft Fax at Work. The key seems to be quite short and I wonder 
if that's
| > a real secure solution comparing eg. to PGP?
| If it really is public key, and if the keys really are quite short,
| then its probably really *not* secure.  Remember than a 129-digit
| (~425 bit) RSA key was broken in 8 months!  A 384-bit RSA key is
| therefore not secure!
| -derek

The 129 digit key was broken in 8 calendar months and not 8 CPU months, 
correct? If so then for most purposes a 129 digit key is more than 
adequate. If you are faxing a contract to someone then if the deal 
isn't signed in 8 months the odds are that information about it will 
leak from a different source than your fax. If I had information that I 
wanted to be secure for several years than I would consider using many 
more digits than 129.

As to Windows for Workgroups 3.11, I don't know anything about the 
security features that are included.



Mike Markley <mmarkley at>

I'm not a Microsoft spokesperson. All opinions expressed here are mine.


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