Counting bits

rishab at rishab at
Wed Jul 6 07:03:20 PDT 1994

"Timothy L. Nali" <tn0s+ at>:
> > Eli Brandt at 
> > int byte_ones(int a)
> > // hope this is correct...
> > {
> >         a = (a & 0x55) + (a & 0xAA)/2;          // 0x55 == 01010101b
> [...]
> Note that some compilers might not be smart enough to use logical shift
> ops and instead use expensive division ops.  Just to be safe...
> int byte_ones(int a)
>          a = (a & 0x55) + ((a & 0xAA) << 1);          // 0x55 == 01010101b
Let me guess: you're one of the lucky users of the RBO (Reverse Bit Order)
SuperDecryptor from the NSA, where the LSB is the one at the extreme left?

Or did you mean ((a & 0xAA) >> 1)   ;)

My personal preference for byte operands is unsigned char - this ensures
that right shifts are not sign-extended by the most brain dead compiler, and
might use only one byte for the parameter.

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh             "Clean the air! clean the sky! wash the wind!
rishab at                   take stone from stone and wash them..."
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