
Brad Dolan bdolan at
Tue Jul 5 10:29:04 PDT 1994

Maybe they should set up an anonymous forwarder......

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From:	SMTP%"srctran at"  5-JUL-1994 09:23:35.81
Subj:	PAT NEWS:  Wanna be a patent spy for the Justice Department?

Date: Tue, 5 Jul 1994 09:02:00 -0400
From: srctran at (Gregory Aharonian)
Message-Id: <199407051302.AA01920 at>
To: patents at
Subject: PAT NEWS:  Wanna be a patent spy for the Justice Department?

    Want to be a spy?  Here's your chance.  The US Department of Justice is
seeking evidence of restraint of trade and monopolization in the computer
and telecommunications industry.  Currently their big investigation is that
of Microsoft, but they are looking for other cases of abuse of economic
power by dominant companies.

    With regards to patents, the Justice Department is looking for cases where
the owner of a patent denied a potential licensee a license for the patent,
while giving licenses to some of your competitors.  Maybe this is a case of
anti-trust, depending on market conditions.

    Of course, given that some companies might be unwilling to inform on their
suppliers or competitors, the Justice Department is open to anonymous tips
from knowledgable sources.  While you can have your attorney contact and meet
with Justice Department attorneys, you can also send in tips, via, you guess
it, the Internet:

			antitrust at

    Be that Deep Electronic Throat!!!

Greg Aharonian
Internet Patent News Service
(for subscription info, send 'help' to   patents at
(for prior art search services info, send 'prior' to patents at
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Brad   bdolan at

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