too bad Bush didn't propose Clipper

Bohdan Tashchuk fasttech!zeke at
Sat Jul 2 18:55:19 PDT 1994

This is a very obvious observation, but bear with me. I haven't seen
anyone enunciate it, but maybe I haven't been paying close attention.

If Republican ex-CIA director George Bush had publicly proposed the
Cripple system developed during his administration, then the whole
concept would have been "dead on arrival". In fact, the quite-similar
FBI telephony proposals were originally floated on his watch, and went
absolutely nowhere in Congress.

Can anyone imagine the Democrats accepting something like this while a
Republican President was in power? Can anyone imagine any left-wing
special interest groups not immediately and loudly foaming at the mouth
about this?

But both of these groups accept Slick Willie as "one of their own",
and Cripple is being seriously debated in Congress. Too bad George
didn't win the election.

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