Password Difficulties

joshua geller joshua at
Sat Jul 2 00:39:21 PDT 1994

>   Hey folks, passwords are hard to choose!


>   It boils down to this: I can't remember as many bits as the TLAs can
>   crack by brute force.

I generally choose things like (no, this is not a real one):

Rare steak tastes good when it is cooked over a wood fire. better than
chicken. better than fish. good with worcestershire sauce.

this is for a pgp passphrase, of course.

I find it not to be a problem remembering a sentence character for

>   Starting with a bunch of coin tosses I tried ways of coding them: hex,
>   ASCII, and words off word lists.

>   Horrors!  The hex is too long, ....

>   Sorry, there is no way regular people are going to remember pass words
>   or phrases with more than about 50-bits worth of information in
>   them--and even doing that well is going to be rare.



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