rishab at dxm.ernet.in rishab at dxm.ernet.in
Fri Jul 1 11:30:56 PDT 1994

perobich at ingr.com:
> IMHO a more serious and prevalent problem is the onslaught of spam
> whenever EFF, CPSR, EPIC, NSA, or EIEIO issue press releases even
> tangentially related to crypto. Not only do I usually get a copy in my
> main inbox (since my filter doesn't catch it because it's not via

I had cribbed about this a while ago, after I received 6 copies of an EFF
release. I suggested that we agree on individuals responsible to forward
posts from different sources. IAC the major ones - EFF, EPIC, CPSR... seem 
to have cypherpunks at toad.com on _their_ lists, and many of us subscribe to 
them independently.

Rishab Aiyer Ghosh             "Clean the air! clean the sky! wash the wind!
rishab at dxm.ernet.in                   take stone from stone and wash them..."
Voice/Fax/Data +91 11 6853410  
Voicemail +91 11 3760335                 H 34C Saket, New Delhi 110017, INDIA  

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