(Fwd) What motivates Cryp

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Fri Jul 1 04:55:25 PDT 1994

J >I got PGP running on my machine a few weeks ago because I liked 
J >the  idea of being able to communicate privately if I wanted, 

The major motivation.  Crypto gives you the power to carve out a "zone of 
privacy" at will and say to the whole world, "This part of my life is mine 

J >It may seem that I am being particularly naive in being  
J >surprised by this but I am from the UK where libertarian views 
J >of this  kind are not so widely held.

Though they *were* largely invented there...

J >Similarly my motivations for 
J >using cryptography come simply from a desire for privacy from 
J >Govt. and other snooping but NOT  from the 'cyber-survivalist' 
J >inclinations that seem to motivate some in  the US at least. 

Distinguish "desire for privacy from Govt." and "'cyber-survivalist' 
inclinations" -- seems like the identical motive.  It *is* government that 
digital volunteerists (a friendlier term) seek privacy from.

J >I read some stuff on Vince Cate's WWW site by Tim May about how 
J >crypto was going to bring down governments due to (legal?) tax 
J >evasion by those who are computer literate . I have to say that 
J >I think this is highly unlikely 

I think Tim uses the term "collapse of governments."  Most of us are just 
making predictions about the sort of institutional changes that will occur 
as people discover that they have more choices.  Since controlling people 
by threatening to kill them if they disobey (the Political Means) only 
works if you can carry out your threat, if people can erect "unbreakable" 
barriers against States, their power is reduced.  One doesn't have to 
overthrow them.  They are overthrown by a change in their tactical 

J >general herald an age of 'survival of the fittest' where those 
J >clued up about computers will be able to take advantage and do 
J >better due to paying less taxes  etc.

J >Personally I have no desire to evade tax since I quite like 
J >being able  to drive on tarmac without holes, and having 
J >schooling and health care  provided for all with the richer 
J >folk subsidising the poorer folk. 

And here I thought "lefties" were opposed to coercive monopolies. 

J >I'd never come across a right-wing anarchist before reading the 
J >crypto groups - weird!

We're everywhere!  


"Libertarian anarchist since Steve B. gave him a copy of Lysander 
Spooner's 'No Treason -- the Constitution of No Authority' in 1970."

--- WinQwk 2.0b#1165

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