NSA/FOIA foo bar

nobody at pmantis.berkeley.edu nobody at pmantis.berkeley.edu
Sat Jan 29 17:28:36 PST 1994

For what its worth, I finally received my FOIA/Privacy Act information
earlier this week from the National Security Agency, from the FOIA
information request I submitted in May 1993.

Although I also received an additional piece of mail from the DIA (it
appears that NSA must really not have _all_ the keys) asking for
verification of my identity to fufill the request I iniated with NSA, 
it was filled a tad quicker than the Meade people originally forecasted
(two years!).

I received what I expected, but also included in the multi-sealed envelope
was an additional surprise: two sheets containing some rather sensitive 
information on an individual other than myself, the person I had asked for 
compiled information. 

I simply can't imagine the looks on their faces when I promptly return it 
informing them that it appears that they made a rather embarrassing mistake. 

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