RSA Conference 1/12-1/14

Hastings at Hastings at
Wed Jan 5 08:54:18 PST 1994

Here's a recent e-mail exchange, between RSA Data Security, Inc.
<info at> and myself, that may interest you cypherpunks:
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: Crypto FAQ Request
Author:  Hastings at at INTERNET
Date:    1/4/94 10:31 AM
My deadline for the first issue of the Agorist Quarterly is
rapidly approaching. I'm writing an article about digital
cash protocols for use on Internet e-mail accounts, comparing
Chaum's recent work with Representative/Observer hardware
versus software-only approaches like Netcash and rumors about
better things from the cypherpunk list.
Of course, RSA will get mentioned as one of the foundations
of digital cash, along with Chaum's blind signatures, mixes,
remailers, DC-nets, and etc.
Your latest cryptography FAQ that I've seen is Revision 2,
dated October 5, 1993. Is that the latest version? If so, I'm
all set. If not, please e-mail the latest version to me here
at hastings at If it is only available on
paper, please send a copy to me at this address:
The Agorist Institute
291 S. La Cienega Blvd #749
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
If your company has any products specifically targeting
paperless checks, cash, or related applications, let me know
and I'll include them in the article.
Thanks for your help.
Kent - <hastings at>
Ham packet radio: WA6ZFY @ N6YN.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA
______________________________ Reply Separator
     Yes, release 2 is the latest release of the FAQ.  David Chaum is going
     to be speaking at our conference next week, and will be available for
     interviews.  Since you're press, you get in free: will you be coming?
     Finally, what is the Agorist Institute?
     Kurt Stammberger
______________________________ Reply Separator
The Agorist Institute is a non-profit educational institute
that is best characterized as a libertarian think tank. It
was established "on the last day of 1984 to mark the end
of Orwell's nightmare future." Seminars on agorist subjects,
like Austrian Economics, and Feminism And The State, have
been held in Southern California. The Institute's Directorate
maintains a semi-monthly presence at the Albert J. Nock Forum,
and at the H.L. Mencken Supper Club, to distribute
publications, and serve as speakers when appropriate. For
example, I gave a speech about digital cash, "Cyber Cash:
Free-Market Money Comes of Age," to three different groups at
the end of September, 1993. The speech was first delivered to
a World Future Society chapter in Santa Ana, the H.L. Mencken
Forum in Hollywood, and to a Libertarian Party chapter in
Culver City. Note: The Agorist Institute does not endorse
candidates for any political party. We serve the vast
libertarian movement outside the small numbers of L.P.
The Director presented a libertarian analysis of our current
business environment at a 1993 conference held in Midlands,
Michigan. The conference was called "Freedom, Trade, and
Markets in a High-Tech Age." He has been invited back, to
give seminars this March, 1994, along with other Institute
researchers, on topics ranging from electronic publishing,
to How To Sell Freedom to a Hostile Audience.
Unlike the Cato Institute, which provides libertarian policy
advice to Washington D.C. politicians and lobbyists, the
AI's research mainly covers the gray market and black market
areas we call "counter-economics." This is also the focus of
other institutes, like the one associated with Peruvian
writer Hernando de Soto, famous for his book, The Other Path,
which documented the growth and present influence of the
"informal economy" in Peru. The informal economy grew steadily
in the big cities of Peru, from nothing, to controlling over
90% of what are normally considered "public" services (like
bus transportation, and road construction and maintenance),
all despite a succession of formal left-wing and right-wing
So you can see why the development of untraceable digital cash
for any e-mail user would interest us. With 20 million
Internet accounts throughout the world, and Internet usage
doubling every year, digicash will have a profound impact on
businesses, government, and consumers.
The Institute studies, but does not encourage, activities that
are illegal. Still, if it weren't for gun smugglers, tax
cheats, and traitors, the United States would still be a
British colony, and Eastern Europe would still be Communist.
It is unlikely that I will be able to travel to Northern Cal.
next week, (I have a real job, too!), but if you send me the
date and time, I could arrange for a local person to attend
the Chaum conference. I could announce it at tonight's
Albert J. Nock Forum meeting, if you want me to. You might
give me prices for the non-press attendees in that case.
Thanks again for your prompt reply.
Kent - <hastings at>
Ham packet radio: WA6ZFY @ N6YN.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA
______________________________ Reply Separator
     Send me your fax number and I will fax you a complete comnference
     agenda: David's talk is on the third day.
     Non-press attendees are $245 each (just a break-even fee: we feed you
     breakfast and lunch all three days, and proceedings and hardcopies of
     the presentations, a various other goodies)
- --------------------------------------------------------
I suppose you could call Kurt, and tell him I sent you. The conference
begins on Wednesday, January 12, 1994. Registration is at 415/595-8782.
The conference is at the Hotel Sofitel January 12-14, 1994 in Redwood
Shores, CA about 15 minutes south of the San Francisco International
Airport. Rooms are available at the Sofitel (415/598-9000) "at a
special guaranteed rate for conference attendees."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here's a PGP public key for use at my office computer only:
Version: 2.3a
Kent - <hastings at>
Ham packet radio: WA6ZFY @ N6YN.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA
Version: 2.3a

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