Mar 17 IEEE mtg:Cryptanalysis of DES

Allen J. Baum baum at
Mon Feb 28 14:26:07 PST 1994

The Santa Clara Valley Information theory Group will meet to talk about
Cryptanalysis of DES. Topics will include differential cryptanalysis (Biham
& Shamir) and Matsuis linear cryptanalysis.

Spekaers will be Susan Langford, grad student in Stanford's EE Dept., & Dr.
Martin Hellman, professor in Stanford's EE Dept.

Dinner, 5:30 at Good Earth, University Ave., Palo Alto, CA
Presentation, 7:00,  Rm 450, Durand Bldg, Stanford.
Reservations (dinner? pay for yourself?) Art Astrin 408-970-6826

* Allen J. Baum            tel. (408)974-3385    *
* Apple Computer, 20525 Mariani Ave,  MS 305-3B  *
* Cupertino, CA 95014      baum at        *

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