Dorothy Denning

Anthony D Ortenzi ao27+ at
Mon Feb 28 11:37:28 PST 1994

Well, since everyone seems to be talking about Dorothy Denning, I just
thought I'd throw a few things out for discussion.  Number 1, if someone
is an encryption expert (as has been truly/falsely(?) claimed on this
list), then why would they endorse anyone but the recipient being able
to decode the message?  Wouldn't the true belief in privacy be what
would lead one to learn about such things?  Or is it just a toy, as is

Number 2.  People on this list have said that she's an expert in
cryptography. When I read that damned Newsday article posted on
cypherpunks, I thought that she was just a whiny college bitch. The
argument was just very, well, flimsy is the word I guess.  I believe
that Clipper is wrong, but someone could at least write a paper that
would influence more by pointing out its merits, rather than just saying
that the government should start spying on all of us to stop drug

Anyone know:

A) Is she an expert in cryptography?

B) Is she a college graduate?

C) Was she dropped on her head a lot as a baby?

D) Has she considered the alternatives that suicide offers?

Just kind of annoyed at this whole Big Brother thing, probably because
I'm reading 1984 right now... really a good idea if you haven't yet, and
if you read it, they're is no way you'll possibly think that Clipper is
a good idea...

Also, I've gotten a message through to Ross Perot about our fight
against Clipper, and how to reach me, so if I get a response, I'll let
you guys know.


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