MISC: gopher & anon ftp

Karl Lui Barrus klbarrus at owlnet.rice.edu
Sun Feb 27 16:52:42 PST 1994


About the gopher site:

I'm not sure how "easy" it will be to make the files available via
anonymous ftp as well.  I know Chael is running an anonymous ftp site
on chaos, but I'm not sure where it's directory lives... the gopher
data directory is within my own directory hierarchy.  It may be hard
to overlap the two and preserve the security standards Chael wants to
maintain.  Disk space is tight so just making a duplicate copy is
probably not the way to go ;)

However, I do back up the gopher data every month or so (and so does
Chael!), and since I will be adding 10 or 15 more files over the next
week (from anonymous video rental to magic money) and re-arranging the
ones already there, I'd be willing to mail you or anybody else
uuencoded, gzip'ed tar files.  Since most (all?) files have more than
eight character names, producing MSDOS compatible file names may be a
problem, since there will be some collisions.

And I like gopher!  It's great for just browsing around :)

For a while I was thinking of an "anonymous mail drop-off/pick-up"
where mail sent would be filed in a gopher accessible directory.  So
for example you could reach Pr0duct Cypher, Deadbeat, Wonderer, etc.
by mailing here and waiting for them to read your message via gopher.
Problems concerning disk space and the lifetimes of messages would
need to be addressed, as well as whether or not they would even use
such a system to receive messages.

Karl Barrus
<klbarrus at owlnet.rice.edu>

Version: 2.3a


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