Security of anon-server?

Matthew J Ghio mg5n+ at
Sun Feb 27 11:20:30 PST 1994

Anonymous asked:

> What kind of encryption is the anonymous contact system at andrew
> using?  I think someone said that it used a home-brew cipher.  How
> secure might such a system be against cryptanalysis (or just brute
> force key searches?)  Or has it been changed to use something like
> DES or IDEA?  (In the former case, DES, it might not be completely
> secure, unless you used 3DES or something.)   If someone could
> break the code, they could find out _EVERYONE'S_ mail address
> that ever posted using an anon address from that remailer...

I assume from this statement that you haven't looked at my code.  Send
me email and I'll give you a copy...  or maybe someone that I gave it to
could put it up on an FTP site, so you can get it anonymously.

Yes, the cipher is of my own design.  First off, I can assure you that a
brute-force keysearch will not work.  The cipher employs three 36
element substitution arrays, which gives a total of 3x36! possible keys,
or over 10^42.  DES has about 7.2 x 10^16 possible keys and IDEA about

It might be possible to mount some sort of cryptanalysis attack on the
cipher.  In my design I tried quite hard to eliminate all such
possibilities.  But, first, let me explain how the encryption works.

The plaintext is converted to an ascii representation using only the
letters a thru z and the numbers 0 to 9.  (Until the actual cyphertext
output, this is represented internally using the numbers 0 thru 35.) 
Random padding is then added, preceeded by a legnth byte to tell the
decryptor how much padding to remove.  I currently have it set to use 3
to 5 bytes of random padding, although I could change this at any time. 
(If you request multiple addresses, they will be of different legnths.) 
This is then encrypted.  The cipher consists of 6 rounds of encryption.

In each encryption round, two of the three substitution tables are used.
 Each round uses a different combination of substitution tables.  The
encryption begins at the start of the data, reading in each byte (which
only takes on the values from 0 to 35), adding to it the previous
encrypted byte, modulo 36, and encrypting it with the first substitution
array.  In this way, feedback from the cipher is used to increase the
entropy of the output.  Since each byte is a function of the previous
byte, which is a function of the byte before it, each byte is indirectly
a function of all previous bytes.  Since the first byte has no previous
byte, it is encrypted using only the substitution array.  To eliminate
that weak point, the resulting output is encrypted again, using the
second substitution array, in reverse; that is, starting at the end and
going to the beginning.  In this way, every complete round encrypts each
byte such that it is directly a function of at least one other byte, and
indirectly a function of the entire string.

Altering one byte of the input of a single round causes the entire
output to change.  However, altering two bytes will only change most of
the output to one of 36 possibilities, since only one byte of data is
used for the cipher feedback.  This is the reason that multiple rounds
are used.  Since there are 6 rounds used, but at most 5 bytes of random
padding, the six rounds are sufficient to completely distribute the
randomness of the padding throughout the entire string.  This eliminates
the possibility that an attacker might gain some information about the
cipher by finding matching portions of different encrypted strings which
had different random padding.

One possible technique for shortening a keysearch might be possible if a
particular encrypted string was not a function of every byte of the key
(substitution arrays).  In such an attack, the cracker would only need
to guess certain relevant elements of your substitution array.  This
would save them from having to attempt all possible keys.  However, this
attack is not feasible because of the large number of encryption
operations used.  For each byte, there are 12 substitution operations
performed, four on each substitution array.  With a 30 character string
(most are around 30 or 40, some are longer) that adds up to 360
substitutions.  The probability that any given element will not be
chosen in a particular substitution, is 35/36, or 97.2%.  This means
that with 360 substitutions, the probablity that any particular element
won't be chosen is (.972)^360=.000039  The possibility that one of the
array elements would not be chosen is 108 times that amount (since there
are 108 array elements), or 0.42%  Not a statistically significant
amount, considering that if your attacker had a plaintext in that .42%,
it would only require him not to have to guess one element of the
substitution array - but the last element of a substitution is always
obvious anyway - it's the only remaining element that was not yet used! 
So this doesn't help the attacker at all.  The only thing that would
help the attacker is if there were two unused elements in the same
substitution array, in which case, he would only have to try half as
many keys.  The chances of that happening, however, are one-third of
.42% of .42%.  So .0006% of the time the key search can be reduced from
10^42 to 5x10^41.  I'm certainly not losing any sleep over that
Things are a bit easier with shorter strings.  For example, with a 20
character string, the possibility that two elements in the same array
would not be used is increased to .52%.  That's still not statistically
significant tho.  In order to gain any real advantage from this (greater
than 50% chance that you could reduce your keysearch), you'd have to
have a string of less than 15 characters or so.  However - the shortest
possible email address (such as y at would take 10 characters after
being converted to ascii format, plus the minimum of three bytes of
random padding, the legnth byte, and two checksum bytes, which comes out
to an absolute minimum of 16 ascii bytes.  So I really don't see how
someone could gain any significant advantage here.

One final possibility is that if an attacker could guess the
substitutions for the first 5 rounds, and the first half of the sixth
round, the substitutions in the final encryption pass in the last round
could be solved for.  This doesn't seem to be much of a problem,
however, since reducing the keysearch to a cipher with eleven encryption
passes instead of twelve doesn't reduce the complexity by any
significant amount.

To further frustrate cryptanalysis, after the third, fourth, and fifth
rounds, a transpositional encryption operation is performed.  The
checksum bytes are inserted following the first and second rounds.  In
this way, the checksum is hidden in the encrypted data and is not
obvious to the attacker.

I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who believes they have a
serious cryptanalysis method which could possibly reduce the security of
this cypher by a significant amount.

I think the fact that this is run on a multi-user unix system is a far
greater problem than any cryptanalysis effort.  If a hacker could gain
access to the file server here, or got my account password, they could
steal the encryption keys.  There isn't much I can do about that, except
to encourage more people to run this type of system.  In that way,
addresses could be chained thru more than one remailer.  If the security
at one site was compromised, it would not reveal the entire path to the
recipient's address.

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