Net Restructure

DrZaphod drzaphod at
Thu Feb 24 20:55:27 PST 1994

> >       This doesn't dtop ordinary [or extraordinary] people from running their
> > own net.  This net, with in and out ports to other nets, would follow none
> of the rules enforced upon our current net.  If they try to cut us out we 
> simply change out location.

^^^ Was your msg really so munged when you got it? Or did you modify it.  
The msg I sent out was: 

	dtop WAS stop
	out location WAS our logical location.
as well as a few form problems and missing >'s

> 	I don't think that is logical or feasible, and my point is that the net is
> becoming something for the masses now.  The masses won't be as crafty as you
> .  I feel that if or when it is restructured the people logging on won't 
> be aware of the lack of security or they will have false security.
> Reuben Halper

	I agree that most people won't be aware of their big brother's
watchful eye and meddling fists.. and I suggest we all fight the
govt's current plan for the NII.  I also suggest that if their current
plan [or one very like it] passes and the spooks are wired in to the
complete net [or even parts of it] that we [cyperpunks, anarchists, 
businessmen, hackers, and everybody else who doesn't like the govt's
hand in all of this] simply DON'T USE IT.  We can use it's capability
to transport msgs via an encrypted link.. and service providers can
spring up all over the place offering PRIVATE communication.  Luxery
is now becoming a word for things other people don't want you to have.
The "luxery" of privacy is a falacy.  I think one day, maybe soon, people
will simply realize: "Shit!  I don't have to do that if I don't want to!"
Hopefully many people will think this around the same time and we'll
be well on our way.  TTFN.   

The Universe in the eyes of a programmer: That government subroutine
is too slow.  Wouldn't it be easier if we linked all these people
directly instead of running them thru that? -- If only we had
the ability for mass communication [grin].
- DrZaphod                #Don't Come Any Closer Or I'll Encrypt!   -
- [AC/DC] / [DnA][HP]     #Xcitement thru Technology and Creativity -
- [drzaphod at] [MindPolice Censored This Bit] -
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