Speaking of disinformation...

Jim Nitchals jimn8 at netcom.com
Wed Feb 23 18:49:40 PST 1994

Mike Godwin wrote,

      This Act may be cited as the "Digital Telephony and Communications
Privacy Improvement Act of 1994."

Amazing!  In consideration of the fact that the proposed Act has
absolutely no provisions for improving privacy whatsoever, one
must wonder if we're a level playing field when we ARE 100% honest
and forthright about our concerns over privacy and Clipper.

The level of dishonesty is rising daily.  The administration's
statement that we're not entitled as a matter of right to unbreakable
encryption of our own choosing (never mind our right to be secure
in our person and effects) got to me.  The press release stating
that alternative forms of encryption *THAT EMBODY KEY ESCROW* will
be permitted went without notice or comment, even here.  And now
a proposed bill whose very title is an outright lie-- does anyone
know of a *better* country to live in?  This one is looking scarier
by the day.

And no, I don't want to live on any floating concrete blocks out
in the Atlantic.  I've written the letters, signed the e-petitions,
and know the math behind public key encryption well enough to write
my own if I had to.  What more can I do?  I value my privacy more
than my safety, but have a hard time getting that concept across
to others.

- Jim

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