Why only public-key crypto?

Scott Collins collins at newton.apple.com
Wed Feb 23 13:28:12 PST 1994

  >I find this to be a strange statement.  Do we have no interest
  >in non-public key methods?  Seems the Cypherpunks should have
  >an interest in all forms of crypto.

It's not so strange.  Cypherpunks are trying to bring about social changes,
not primarily technological ones.  Crypto is here, and we want to change
our culture in a way where, through strong crypto, privacy becomes the norm
rather than the exception.

With this goal in mind, public-key systems are vastly more interesting
because they are the `social' solutions.

Scott Collins   | "That's not fair!"                         -- Sarah
                | "You say that so often.  I wonder what your basis
   408.862.0540 |  for comparison is."                 -- Goblin King
BUSINESS.    fax:974.6094    R254(IL5-2N)    collins at newton.apple.com
Apple Computer, Inc.  5 Infinite Loop, MS 305-2D  Cupertino, CA 95014
PERSONAL.    408.257.1746       1024:669687       catalyst at netcom.com

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