PGP Tools question, and soda archives.

Seth Morris Seth.Morris at
Tue Feb 22 00:07:36 PST 1994

 Hey all.
 I've been trying to get the PGP Tools library to work on my system
(MSDOS, Turbo C 2.0, 286), and have been having a hell of a time.
Aside from the problems getting the makefile to function here (the
DOS 127 character command line limit killed the ptd.exe cc line), the
demo locks up in fifo_destroy. Looks like there's a missing NULL

 Now, I saw a bug fix on the list a few days (weeks?) ago, and I'm
not certain if the file I have has that included (,
so I tried to check the cypherpunks archives at to
find the reference. I don't have shell acces here (have to use a menu,
can't use elm's filter, no ftp, no telnet, etc), and gopher failed to
connect to soda to let me look. When I borrowed a friend's shell
account for a few moments to try the ftp, soda shut down when I
told it I was anonymous.

 So, is soda still the archive (have I missed a major announcement?)?
 Is there a later version of pgptools?
 Has someone else fixed the MS-DOS support? (I finally just yanked the
multiple platform support from my copy, figuring that if my code
compiles here with MS-DOS support forced but I haven't changed the library
code itself then my code SHOULD compile on a machine where the multiple
platform support is functional)?
 Is there a fix to fifo I need to make or track down?
 Has soda locked out anonymous ftp permanently? (I also use the White Wolf
archives there.)
 Is there an approved of pool or newsgroup to send messages to Pr0duct
Cypher? I hate to add to the cypherpunks traffic with comments directly
to him/her. (We NEED to get the return addresses working, or Pr0duct
should try the new anonymous address server (from Ghio? I should know,
I saw the name 50 times today!)!)

 Seth Morris (Seth.Morris at

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