your guess

hkhenson at hkhenson at
Sat Feb 19 01:51:06 PST 1994

dThe other day I was asking myself out loud just what the heck is going 
on with Bill and Al and their oddly strong support for Clipper.  A 
voice said ask not *that* question, but who is it that has a *lot* of 
influence over them, and what three letter agency were they working 
for a while back?  Hmm.  Could this describe a certain person who 
decided against being Sec. of Defense?  Very good! said the voice.  
Now, what kind of reason could people in the highest positions in the 
US have for doing things which are rather impolitic and out of 
character for them?  Well, I said, *I* don't know what kind of 
pressure might be brought to bare, but "no such agency" *would*.  Do 
you think they would have the nerve to blackmail a prez?  The voice 
softly said "Kennedy and Hoover." 

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