Pen recorders and phone records

Jonathan Scott Mallin jmallin at
Thu Feb 17 16:25:29 PST 1994

On Thu, 17 Feb 1994, Eric Blossom wrote:
> Hal,  I'm not sure, but a pen register would record all dialing codes
> (touch tone), not just those used to make the first leg of the call.
> Voicemail, multihop calls, etc come to mind.

I believe that they do.  I dialed tons of extraneous #'s when I thought I 
was being DNRed.  I also discussed various bogus murders with some of my 
friends.. it was quite interesting.  You can never be too safe.. 
        _            __  __      _ _ _        
    _  | |___ _ _   |  \/  |__ _| | (_)_ _   <*>  Jonathan Scott Mallin
   | |_| / _ \ ' \  | |\/| / _` | | | | ' \  <*>  <jmallin at>
    \___/\___/_||_| |_|  |_\__,_|_|_|_|_||_| <*>  Email for PGP key 
-> This entire message is (C) 1994 by Jonathan Mallin.  Reproduction is <-
-> prohibited without express written consent.                          <-

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