No Subject

nobody at nobody at
Thu Feb 17 00:25:18 PST 1994

As one who used to do quite a bit of Detweiller bashing in private...
I have come not to think of him as a problem... but simply
as a relentless evolutionary factor forcing the structure and methodlogy
of remailers to evolve to be more secure, better equipped and
in all a better product then the community had prior to their abuse...
Whether any of us like LD personally or not we ARE evolving our technology to 
meet his threat... and I am personally glad its happening earlier than Later..
The Puzzle Palace is a FAR more potent adversary... kinda of like the BORG...
Best we evolve the technology as quickly as possible before its outlawed and
it has to be taken underground .... War on DRUGS??? 
How about the WAR on Forbidden Math?


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